The league shall be known as the CWMBRAN CRIB LEAGUE.
2. The policy of the league shall be determined by a Management Committee consisting of a Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Vice Chairman and one representative from each team. The Management Committee shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
3. The league shall hold an Annual General Meeting before the commencement of each season.
4. At each Annual General Meeting, all of the members of the Management Committee shall retire from office – but shall then be eligible for re-election.
5. The Management Committee may at any time appoint any member of the league to be a member of the Management Committee.
6. The Management Committee shall hold regular meetings during the period between Annual General Meetings and generally control and supervise the activities of the league; in particular, the Management Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial position of the league.
7. The Management Committee shall ensure that proper accounting records are maintained and shall prepare annual accounts for presentation at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
8. Members have the right to attend the AGM and any General Meeting and have important powers in the running of the league; in particular, the members elect people to serve on the Management Committee and take decisions in relation to the rules.
9. Each team shall appoint one member of their team to act as a spokesperson at the Annual General Meeting; no other speaker will be recognised by the chair except during ‘Any other business’.
10. A meeting of team captains shall take place to weeks before the AGM where proposals shall be discussed prior to ratification by members attending the AGM.
11. Every team shall have one vote. If there are an equal number of voted for and against any resolution, the chairperson shall be entitled to a casting vote.
12. Each team shall pay an amount agreed by the Committee to cover team and player registration.
13. Teams shall complete a league registration form. A completed registration form does not grant registration to a team until all outstanding fees have been paid to the Committee.
14. There shall be no limit to the registration of players for any team, but a team shall consist of a minimum of 6 registered players.
15. Registration of players will be accepted at any time during the season. Players may be added on the night of the match provided they are not already registered with another league team.(i) .(vii)
16. Any team found playing non-registered players will forfeit all points from the non-registered players table to the opposing side.
17. Captains shall be responsible for the good conduct of the game and their teams and should make their team members aware of this rule.
18. In the event of any team ceasing membership during the playing season shall be erased from the league table and such teams shall forfeit all fees.
19. Transfer of players shall be allowed during the playing season if a team ceases membership, but no player may transfer after the midpoint of the season under any circumstances.
20. Competitions are run under the direct control of the Committee.
21. Competition fees shall be decided at the AGM.
22. Mixed pairs can include a ‘guest’ unregistered player. (viii)
23. Pairs may consist of players from different league teams.(viii)
24. During competitions only, the final game(s) at each venue must start by 9:30pm. If this is not possible due to slow play in previous games the final game(s) will be postponed and replayed at a later date.(v)
25. A match team shall consist of a minimum of 5 (maximum 6) registered players.(ii) Players may be added on the night of the match provided they are not already registered with another league team.
26. Matches shall be played on Tuesday night as per fixture sheet. Matches shall begin at 8:00pm prompt.
27. The home team shall provide a result card which should be signed by both captains. The winning team captain shall be held responsible for ensuring that the match result is on match night, as soon as the match is completed.(xii)
28. Any time failing to ‘phone in’ their results on match night shall have 2 points deducted, (subject to Committee approval). Any team failing to send in a match score card shall be deducted 2 points (subject to Committee approval).
29. Cigarette breaks will be limited to one per match and this should be between the third and fourth games.(iv)
30. Unless there are exceptional circumstances (subject to Committee approval), no match may be postponed.
31. If a team is forced to postpone a match due to exceptional circumstances, the Fixture Secretary and the opposing team must be informed as soon as possible. The match to be played within 3 weeks (xv)
32. Any side which fails to attend and play a fixture and there are no exceptional circumstances (subject to Committee approval) the opposition will be awarded 8 points with the offending team deducted 2 points. (xiv). The points awarded/deducted will stand and the game will not be rearranged.(xvi)
33. Protests or objections should be lodged in writing within 4 days of a match. The nature of the protests or objection must be clearly stated.(x)
34. The landlord/committee of any public house/club receiving any trophy, which is property of the league, shall be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of that trophy. Such trophies shall be returned to the league when required.
35. The game:-
a. Matches shall consist of three pairs from each side, playing the best of five legs.
b. Optional stakes of twenty five pence may be played for.
c. Points shall be awarded as follows:- one point for each winning leg on each table.
d. All points shall be played for (except as covered in rule 32).(iii)
e. To start a game opposing players cut the cards, lowest card wins the box; this player deals five cards to each player, after each hand the box goes to the left of the last dealer.
f. The dealer must shuffle the cards and hand them to the player on his right to cut.
g. After the box has been made by one card from each player, the player to the left of the dealer must cut the pack and turn the top card face up.
h. Standard crib board must be used.
i. A jack turned up will count two points at all times including winning a leg by such a turn up.
j. The player on the left of the dealer has first ‘take’ to count his or her hand, including the face card, and ‘take’ will continue clockwise with the dealer to count hand and box.
k. After a score has been marked on the board it must not be altered unless the score was marked in error and both teams agree to the alteration.
36. In the event of a team turning up with five players, one table shall play a single match to the best of three legs but forfeit 2 points to the opposing side.
In the event of both teams turning up with five players, one table shall play a single match to the best of 3 legs and the total points for the night will be 13 points.
37. This will only be allowed to happen a maximum of 3 times a season per team then the Committee will have to intervene to find the reason.
38. Once a date is set for competitions it will be set in stone unless at least 3 weeks notice prior to the draw is given but only for special circumstances. Committee will decide.(xiii)
39. The Management Committee may make additional rules they think fit for the benefit of the league, providing such rules do not violate any of the foregoing rules.
i Removed during the season 2012/13 ‘A player must be registered one week before playing a match’.
ii Amended during the season 2012/13 ‘6 registered players’.
iii Added during the season 2012/13. ‘(Except as covered by rule 32)’.
iv Amended during the season 2012/13 ‘Cigarette breaks will be limited to…..’
v Amended during the season 2012/13 ‘During competitions only, the final game(s) at each venue…’
vi Removed as 31.l and added to point 32 during the season 2012/13 ‘l) In the event of a team turning up with five players, one table shall play a single match to the best of 3 legs but forfeit 2 points to the opposing side’.
vii Added during the season 2014/15 ’Registration of players will be accepted at any time during the season’.
viii Amended from 2015 AGM
ix Added during the season 2017/18.
x Added during the season 2017/18.
xi A £5 fee must accompany the letter but will be refunded if the protests or objection is sustained, or forfeited to the league funds if not sustained.
xii Amended during the season 2017/18. ‘registered’ removed and amended to ‘phoned in’.
xiii Added from 2017 AGM.
xiv Amended at meeting of 15/11/2021, changed from ‘The rescheduled played before the end of the season
xv Amended at meeting of 15/11/2021, changed from ‘shall have 10 points deducted’
xvi Added at meeting of 25/01/22, The points awarded/deducted will stand and the game will not be rearranged.